First Steps
After login via discord to dashboard download profile by click on button "Download GG Loader Profile".
Next step is to install this profile via GG Loader like on screens below:
Go to game, option -> addons -> Tell Me when and select [Szkalownik] Proifle name
Then You should seen window with Your user key
Copy user key from step above and update it in your account at
You are ready to buy profile .
Purchase Profile
Payments are made by Ko-Fi service .
Before you go make sure you use your discord email .
You can copy that email from your dashboard table or from your account profile at
Otherwise if you use different email during purchase, your expiration profile time in dashboard will not update automatically.
In that case contact to @Szkalownik on discord via DM .
Click on buy or extend button in and you will be moved to Ko-Fi service.
Again make sure you provided your discord email during purchase process.
After successful purchase you will be redirected back to
If you provided correct mail during payment process your profile "Expiry Time" should be extended automatically.
Download Szkalownik addon from
Get path to your WoW installation. You can find it in game settings:
Now extract downloaded addon to your game addons directory.
On my example it will be : C:\Gry\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns
Now go to game and enable Szkalownik addon.
reload session by typing in console: /reload .
Now in The Action addon (by right click on it) you should see your session time.
That's all you are ready to go :)